Frank Annor is a Diasporan African currently residing in the Netherlands. He is from Ghana. He strongly believes in a united Africa and the vision of AfDiLI to contribute to the strength of the continent and its diasporans. Frank joined AfDiLI to connect with other African Diaspora leaders to support the development of Africa with new and innovative technologies, ideologies and drive. He is the CEO of the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (www.tahmo.org), a lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (https://www.knust.edu.gh/) and a postdoctoral researcher at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (https://www.tudelft.nl/en/ceg/). His research work includes hydro-meteorological modeling and institutional arrangements for Water governance covering Agriculture and Early Warning Systems for droughts and floods. Frank has been teaching Water Systems Modeling, IWRM, River Basin Management, Water Governance and Institutions at the postgraduate level since 2007. He has over 15 years of work experience on resilience development in the water sector. Frank works in over 23 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Europe where he leads the TAHMO initiative. He works with tech-hubs in these countries to feed the creation and growth of European and African start-ups that develop sensors and geo-services, delivering complete value chains from sensors to customer-ready information delivery.